Saturday, November 04, 2006

Round this Way

Ed's dog, "Bear" (imagine the sight that is made when she's lost and Ed is hollering for her), and I went for a little ten mile hike today. It was made easier on account of the bogs, lakes, streams were all frozen due to the temperature... a lovely 11*

We went in the direction of Kokhanok Falls which is directly east of the village. We came upon an eerie sight: a collection of cabins all mingled alongside a lake. It was as if their owners had gotten up and left. Outhouses still had fresh toliet paper, wood was freshly cut and stacked and the dirt runway was cleared. Everything had a rightful place and was immaculate. Stranger still, no one has ever mentioned this other community. Whoever they are, I wouldn't mind meeting them. Who wouldn't want to meet the owners of a wood heated hot tub?

This picture of Bear is her standing on 8 inches of ice.


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