Monday, October 30, 2006

My Life as a Sitcom

I realize those on "the mainland" won't understand or will simply roll their eyes thinking I am exagerating but I live in a sitcom. I've had a few visitors who will atest to this fact so I'm comfortable with it.

First off, I'm Seinfeld. Mostly because everyone enters my house without knocking and they feel free to eat anything in the cupboards. Recently, with the Student Store doing as well as it does, I've been getting the feeling I live some role in The Sopranos.

My boss is Kramer. He's a little jittery and gets up and leaves as fast as he comes in. His neurotic dog is nuts as well.

My co-worker is this point undefined but most of the time he acts like a twelve year old and we're constantly up to no-good. He also lives with his wife, their child and four other girls they've taken in. As a result, I never have any hot water.

The Roommate is crazy, postive and with her quick wit with the boys she is Elaine.


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