Thursday, October 05, 2006

Alaskan Style Detention

I had three boys today who just didn't want to do their reading on the Guilded Age. To be honest, I still don't. I asked them to finish the reading. I told them to finish the reading. I warned them to finish the reading "or else". Finally at 3:15 when the other kids were running out the door, I made them sit, in their desks, and had them finish their reading and answer the three questions.

Heaven Forbid.

There was crying, there was "I'm leaving Mr. Dave" and yes there was even a little "this is stupid" but ... the work got done. I said to them "thank you, you may go home now" and they looked at me and said "we missed the bus. You're going to have to drive us Mr. Dave"

Somehow in this little world of morbid karma, I had to drive home the kids I punished and endure their choice in music on the way.


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