Sunday, September 17, 2006


Granted, when you live in the bush there isn't a whole lot one does for entertainment. Which means that this weekend when a friend flew in to visit, I'm practically drawing straws to find things to do. I was lucky enough on Saturday to head out on a borrowed Honda and get into the tundra. In less than two weeks, you can see the difference between the two pictures. It's very startling as the change occurs even on a daily basis - for instance, the Sitka Spruce trees on Thursday were green with a hint of yellow. Today, they are a fierce golden yellow. Winter's coming.

The other thing about Honda riding - and I'm convinced that I'm missing a box (hint-hint Dad) - is you need to be dressed warmly and when you don't have gloves it can be a pain. Add in bugs flying in your face, snot sliding across your cheeks and eyes sore from the cold pounding wind, it's a horrible experience*. We didn't see any bears, although there were tracks. We did see swans, geese and yes ... the town's horses.

Curiously, someone thought it would be a perfectly sound idea to have a chair out there on the ridge to have something comfortable to sit on while awaiting a caribou to come within range.

* heavy, heavy sarcasm


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