Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sauna & the Curious Incident of the Bear in the Night-time

After another spaghetti fundraiser for the Kokhanok Girls Basketball team, Ed & I took up an offer to join a local for a steam. Martin is well known for "roasting" people and I admit having some apprehension on being cooked. We honda'ed over and were greeted by Martin who had his artic room door open. Martin was laughing when I walked in and he said "You're going to get cooked".

To do a steam right, you have to strip, sit on a "butt towel" and breathe slowly - you can literally burn your skin from the breathing out. Now a typical steam can get around 180 ... but Martin prides himself on having it around 250 or above. I lasted only a minute before leaving to laughter and taunting from Ed & Martin. They won't tell you they came out after another minute. And then after a few minutes you go back in.

Ed & I left after an hour so a few women could use the steam and when we got back to our place we could hear kids laughing up in the hill next to the school. Being a dark night we decided to hike up there and scare them. So we grabbed a flashlight, forgot the dogs, and raced up the trail hitting tree branches now and then. We stopped to figure out where we were exactly from the kids and just then we heard a low grumbling purr.

Bear. A Bear that was really close.

Ed spunned around muttered "Holy Hell" and we both slowly jogged down the hill again. You're not supposed to either go out in the dark and run into bears or to run away from them as that'll trigger them to chase after you.

Much like corn for people, berries go though bears.


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