Friday, October 13, 2006

Inservice & Getting Away

This week marked the school districts in-service. It was a family reunion of sorts as we almost never see the other members of our "family" except for these occasions. It was marked by meetings, plenty of fresh foods, endless roadtrips and a welcomed oppurtunity to get out of the village and take a moment to think deep on my reasons for being here.

It was odd to say it felt like a family reunion but everyone here is unique, of the highest caliber and abundantly amazing in their own right. I am humbled to be working with such a crew.

When we arrived back in KOK, Kimmy & I went on another one of our hikes and took a trail heading east of the village. Again, another bear was seen. The landscape is changing quickly; fresh snow was on the hills on our return from King Salmon and almost all the leaves are off the trees.

For the folks back home, yes, that is corn 4 for $12 bucks.


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