Monday, December 04, 2006

Snowed In & Amazing Deeds

Over the weekend, we got close to two feet of snow. Since I'm the second floor - with the best view in the district - I could see out unto the lake which had a light dusting of snow as well as periodically watching snow "thumpff" off the upper roof. The snowmachines were brought out and now the top speed in Kokhanok has gone from 40 to 80. Being half husky, Mitzy was loving every-single-minute of being outside. She'd go bury herself, pop out somewhere else and run top speed into another snow drift.

Today was also an amazing day as I helped a student write the word "spider"for the first time. Yes-Yes, no small deed for everyone reading this but this kid is SPED, loves to go into a rant using only the word "F*#ker" and just last week wrote his first word, his name, for the first time. Amazing deeds indeed.


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