Monday, April 16, 2007

Land of Rocks

For some time we've heard about the "Land of Rocks" and how it's been described you would think that dinosaurs are still walking around. One woman in Iguigig said it was as if "God had a bunch of rocks and just dropped them all over the place". We had to find it. We knew it was generally said to be "south of Gibraltor but not quite to Emerald and a ways from Big Mountain"

Spring is rushing in quick and because of this we can only safely travel on the lakes for a few more days and to get across to the south end of Lake Gibraltor means going across it. I can't say I thought it was safe as there were puddles of clear water every now and then but we made it over and after an hour came upon the area.

They ranged from the pebble to sometimes well over 9 feet and were all sorts of shapes. It was very much like walking around on Easter Island but without the cut shaped of mens faces or the tropical climate

Sadly ... i'm getting a double chin which is getting noticed by friend and foe alike.


Blogger Tom said...

Every time I see your pictures they make me want to cry. It's so beautiful. What an amazing gift this year has been to you. It reminds me of Tibet, or how it would have been if I could have stayed and the Chinese hadn't taken it over.

8:14 PM  

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