Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prom Part 2

After dinner we would host the games and to keep the kids busy during the day we had different workshops. We were lucky to have Ben Snowball to join us. Ben has worked on the NYO games for some time and teaches many forms of Native Dancing. I'm happy to say I even got the moves down.

The district was also lucky enough to bring in another gentleman who taught the kids etching in ivory. Each student landed a piece worth ... oh $100, polished it, etched into it, polished it again and got to keep it. I was amazed at how much creativity and how intensity was shown but everyone left with something they could be proud of owning.

We also taught the kids how to oriente themselves with a compass. I am happy to note that the Army spokesperson who came for the career fair got his group lost.

Speaking of being just darn happy, another activity we had for the kids was to go out into the community and change the lightbulbs from standard to energy saving. it was all a lesson on global warming which affects Alaska more drastically then anywhere else. Before we went out, one girl from one of the more religious communities launches her hand and went into some right wing excuse - well before I know it, one of my students lifts her head up from the table, turns around and says "Nuh-NAH! - do you even know how much CO2 is released each year and how the greenhouse effect works? Look at what is going on in Shismeraf?"

I was just happy to see the week befores lesson hard at work.


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