Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Companion Bear

School was closed today on account of the septic system being backed up. It did cause a lot of "they were so full of it" or "I knew that place was full of _____" within the district that I'm pretty sure every site has come up with their own creative response.

I woke up early to hand off the store deposit to the district reading specialist and soon decided to head out to the cabins mentioned in the fall. I took along Eds dog, Bear, and the two of us wandered out. The lakes are free of ice and the ground has thawed out making quite a muddy mess and I found myself doing a double take to make sure I was in the right place as I have known it only covered in snow.

I managed to get my first farmer tan of the year and counted seven Mallard ducks as well as a few swans.


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