Saturday, March 17, 2007


My birthday was celebrated in grand fashion. There was the usual phonecall from my mother recounting how I was birthed (it's the typical affair) but what made the day more fun was that in Kokhanok there are two other guys who share my birthday.

My state mentor was in to observe me teach and I had the kids make "Greek Shields" since we're studying mythology. They truly got into it. They went on to make swords, spears and the plan is to "attack" one of the other classrooms by the end of the year.

Each class and student found time during the day to wish me a happy birthday. Some students did so even in Yu'pik

After school the call went out that a potluck would be given for the "birthday boys". Consisting of smoked salmon, macaroni salad, cake, moose ribs, BBQ chicken, and juice mixes it was a pleasant forerunner to the meal that my mentor made complete with hard to find tomatos.


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