Thursday, August 17, 2006

"Now that's something you don't see everyday"

While hauling boxes downstairs into the library, my boss and I overheard the radio saying that Penn Air was going to be landing in ten minutes. Todd said "Oh that should be Greg to get these doors on" - naturally I volunteered to drive the pickup down to the air strip and pick him up.

When I get there the town multi-purpose jeep was already parked. I say "mutli-purpose" as it's been used to get mail, haul out a boat, patrol for poachers, pick up kids and for a new duty I was soon to discover. I assumed that it was at the "strip" to get the rest of the mail as today was Wednesday, one of the few days we get mail, but no. The front passenger door opens and out walks the state trooper, fully loaded, complete with vest, gun, pistol, rifle and state issued hat. He keys into the back door and out hops one of the towns denizens who curiously raised his hands to the trooper. The trooper retrieves handcuffs from his back pocket, slaps them on this guy and the two walk over to the plane that has just landed where both are greeted heartily by the pilot.

Greg gets into the truck and we drive back to the school. When I get back, I tell Julie (the Science \ Math teacher and praiser of my coffee) about what I had just seen. Without blinking, she goes "oh yea, that's ________ he was being shipped off to Anchorage for domestic abuse...didn't you hear the radio last night?"


Blogger sam said...

I just thought I'd let you know I'll be reading your blog. It is the only one I know of that might get updated regularly so I can keep up with what is happening in beloved Kokhanok. I wish you well. It is an awesome place to be.

12:34 PM  

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